
[VRC Avatar Tool] Fluff's Toolbox V3.8.6 Unity 2022 READY

758 ratings

[VRC Avatar Tool] Fluff's Toolbox V3.8.6 Unity 2022 READY

758 ratings

Prices went up because of gumroad rates, you can find cheaper version on my payhip https://payhip.com/b/5tTX2

IMPORTANT: Toolbox V3 life spend has being extended, works with unity 2022.

What's Fluff's toolbox?

My toolbox speed ups your unity process! At this moment it contains the 'DPS/TPS Setup', AvatarFixer (Bounds Boxes, AnchorOverride, Auto Scaler & Parameter Fixer) also include my Dynamic Bones to Physics Bones Converter!

I want to expand this tool with more easier setup for animations and for quick tools to speed up any basic/advance unity process to save time and problems. (Feel free to request anything in the discord)

Avatar made by Candyfloss used in the pictures, check them out!

Which Version Should I buy?

Personal: when you just use it on your own personal avatar!
Commercial: If you sell avatars / commissions with features of the script.
If you use the unity tool to speed up your process for a avatar that you gonna sell.
not allowed to send the tool itself in the sale! Only the animations & menu's etc

Don't forget to credit me if you use it on avatars you sale, all rules can be found below.

If you got the Personal License and wish to upgrade towards a Commercial License join the discord or add me on discord ( fluff#5265 ) and contact me! After giving me proof of purchase you recieve a €12 coupon of the Commercial License!

Please Read

Fluff's Toolbox V3 (this version) will not longer have major updates (aka no new features)! (Read more in discord)
I give warranty until January 1st 2024, meaning if a VRChat update breaks the tool within warranty, I will fix it. (This also includes others bugs or issues that need to be resolved)
Buying the product after Warranty is on your own risk, it might or might not work!

Currently working on Fluff's Toolbox V4, but this will be a new tool (subscription based), new features, better UI (Read more in discord)

How to setup Fluff's Toolbox

> Make sure you got Unity 2019.4.29f1 or later
> Make sure you got latest SDK3 imported (atleast 2022. or later)!
> DynamicPenetrationSystem (If u gonna use DPS Setup)
> Import the unitypackage

What is/does the AvatarFixer?

The avatarfixer is made to fix issues with avatars you buy! This contains a couple of features: Bound Box fixer, AnchorOverride fixer, Parameter fixer & Avatar Scaler (with in unity measuring tape (feet/meters))!

Bound Boxs can be fixed by just a couple of clicks. Select which meshes you want to set the boundsboxes of your avatar, set the center & extend of the bounds box and you're done! This just makes all the bound boxes the same size from the same position (making it so when ever you see any part of the avatar you will see all of the meshes)

Anchor override is a little setting on your meshes & skinnedmeshes that makes sure that all lights on your meshes calculated from the same point (mostly used is the hip bone of your avatar)

Bought a avatar using int/float as parameters? Don't worry longer! Using the parameter fixer you can easily change these parameters on your Avatar! Using the feature it will change the parameter value from a int/float to a bool (if this is possible) and fixes all your menu's & animation layers at the same time! It also removes parameters that aren't used in the animations! Don't wait longer make space for new parameters!

Always wanting to upscale your avatar to a certain size? Use the Avatar scaler and scale the avatar & eye height in a single option! With this feature you can have a measuring tape inside of unity! It shows in feet & meters so you can scale your avatar perfectly to your size!

The avatar fixer is just a speed up process for your avatar in unity & fixes mistakes made by creators!

What is/does the DPS/TPS Setup?

If u gonna use the 'DPS/TPS Setup' make sure when buying this you already own DynamicPenetrationSystem or Poiyomi Pro for TPS.

As many of you might know setting up your DPS/TPS on your avatar takes time, for me it took 30m every time setting it up. At that point it wasn't even optimized so avatars went up to 12-16 lights. If you setup how the tool does it, it takes about 1h to 2h to set it up. It re-uses the lights and max takes 3 lights.

The DPS/TPS Setup and the positioning of all objects are based on the specific base you got selected (see below which bases we support ). The positioning of the object is roughly made, any change by the avatar creator (moved/scaled bones) might affect the position of these objects. This will mean you only have to change/fix the position of these objects. So check all position of all objects to make sure all objects are correctly placed before uploading.

Supported bases (there are presets for all these bases, other bases still supported just more manually adjustment required)

Panda's Female Base
ImLeXz Base V2
Cupkake's scratch Female Base
Jawn's Fantastic Fetish Body
DOGU's Base V1
Torinyan Female Base
MDG Operator-029 Base
Suvy's Female Base
Panda's Male Base
ZinPia Eziki Base
ZinPia Fit Base
ZinPia GG Base
ZinPia Fit Male Base
ZinPia RP Base
Minki/Onion Male Base V2
Minki/Onion Female Base V2
Minki/Onion Pretty Base
Blossom Female Base
Blossom Male Base
The Foundry Standard Base
Lunar-Reef Body Base
NikkiePNG UTA Base
Renipuff Alpha Base
Deira VRChat Base
Fuzzy VRChat Base
Project Venus Base
Pursu Deity Base
Pursu Soft Base
Kikyo Booth Base
Selestia Booth Base
Imeris Booth Base
Maya Booth Base
Moe Booth Base
Rindo Booth Base

More be added in the future...
Keep in mind you can use the dps for any base... supported just means that I setup it perfectly for that base. Other bases that not support require more changes in positions to let it work.

The DPS/TPS setup set the following things for you up:

> Rough position of all objects
> Optimized lights (3 lights max)
> All Parameters
> All Animations
> All FX Layer
> All Menu's

How do you use it?

Just to make sure, make a backup of your FX & Parameters Files before using it! (in unity click on the file and press CTRL+D)

> Go to the unity top menu and select 'Fluffs Toolbox' and open 'DPS Setup' (Not in the project files)
> Drag and drop from your Hierarchy the avatar prefab
> Select all 'features' you want on your avatar
> Click Generate DPS
> Use the edit&test tab to adjust positions
> Ready to Upload

If you need any type of support or experience any type of issue join the discord I am glad to help and fix any type of issues! (issues that don't get reported I can't fix)


> It's not permitted to resale the script in any way! (So no edit sales!)
> It's not permitted to share this script in any way of from!
> Editing the script is on your own risk! Breaking means there is a possibility I can't help you!
> If you use the script to setup for avatars that you're gonna sell! (In any way of form) You need to have bought the Commercial Version. Why? You make profit on your avatar and using the script saves time and for regards of dps you add value to your avatar!
> Only allowed to be used for complete (finished) models.
> Please Credit me if you have used it on your avatar <3
Example: 'VRC Avatar Tools: Fluff's Toolbox'
> Never export the Fluff's Toolbox folder in unity! This is leaking the script! (Animations/Menu's etc aren't in this folder)

This product is not currently for sale.
2,401 sales

The Avatar Tool

Active Development
High Quality Support
Unity Knowledge Required
Almost None
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30-day money back guarantee


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